That Post Virtual Gym Workout Feelz!
The times we are in continue to change, but my passion and heart do not! ⠀
It has been my mission to find a way to continue bringing health, education, motivation, direction, guidance, love, and energy to my community! ⠀
That’s why I started The Passionate Pursuit Virtual Gym just for YOU! A place where we can VIRTUALLY Pursue our goals in community! ⠀
Now I write to you 7 weeks later to tell you that it has been the best 7 weeks I could have ever asked for. I have complete gratitude and excitement about what has transpired in the gym. We have had such a tremendous sense of community even though we are all miles away from each other! ⠀
We have encouraged, supported, and shown up well for one another and the workouts have been pretty awesome too. I think at a time when we all need to feel ANYTHING good and positive. ⠀
A place to feel hope and strength is just what we all are seeking. That is what the Passionate Pursuit Virtual Gym is offering! If you can’t join my gym I still encourage you to get up and MOVE!!! I'm here to help you any way I can! ⠀
You can get more details about The Passionate Pursuit Virtual Gym on my website! ⠀